High-quality riving license photo from photo booth | Speed Services
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Driving license photo

Fast, easy and affordable driving license photo – find your nearest photo booth here

When you renew your driving license, you should also renew your driving license picture. You can do this quickly, smoothly and with high quality in one of Speed Photo's photo booths. You will find our photo booths located at most Nordic central stations, subway stations and shopping malls.

Here you can find a complete list, where you can search for your nearest photo booth yourself and see where our photo booths are located.

The photo process itself only takes three minutes to complete. Take a seat in the booth, close the curtain and pay for your pictures.

For driving license photos, select the format 35 x 45 mm (in Finland choose 36x47 mm) on the digital display.
You choose whether you want your pictures in colour or black and white – the picture on your new driving license will however be delivered in black and white.

Each photo card contains four pictures and you are also given the opportunity to have your photos sent to you by email.

Welcome to take your new driving license photo at one of our photo booths! High quality images with immediate delivery.

Find your nearest photo booth here.

Before taking the photo, it may be helpful to consider the following:

• Your driving license picture should look like you
• Keep your eyes focused into the camera and make sure both your eyes and pupils are clearly visible
• No reflections from the flash can be seen in your glasses
• Your entire head should be visible in the picture
• Dark, tinted and colorred glasses must not be worn during the photo shoot
• Take off any headwear or similar

If necessary, contact your local Transport Agency for more information.

Driving license